Blood Clots could be a Sign of Malpractice

Medical malpractice cases can be notoriously difficult to set up and win, but if your case is strong, then it is worth looking into building a case against a doctor, medical provider or hospital. Sometimes, errors are so egregious that you simply cannot ignore them or accept an apology. You may need money to have the support you need as you recover, too.

One of the issues that patients may bring up in medical malpractice claims is blood clots. Sometimes, blood clots occur despite a medical team’s best efforts, and in those cases, malpractice may not be to blame. However, if the right precautionary measures aren’t taken or the wrong medications are given, then these clots could be a result of mistakes and lead to serious harm or death.


Risk factors do matter when you go through surgery. There are many conditions that put you at a higher risk of blood clots, such as:

  • A family history of blood clots
  • Living with a type of cancer that makes your blood clot more easily
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Prolonged immobility

These and other issues may increase your risk of blood clots, and medical providers should take steps to help minimize that risk. For example, if you will be in bed for several days after a surgery, there are pieces of medical equipment that can help massage your legs to help avoid deep vein thrombosis and clotting elsewhere in the body. Similarly, if clotting is a risk, you may be given anti-clotting medications or pain relievers that thin the blood to prevent them.

When medical providers don’t take the right steps to help you, you could end up with serious complications. It’s important that you take steps to seek support for your claim if you believe that medical negligence or errors led to a blood clot or led to a clot worsening or causing harm.

No two medical malpractice cases are the same, so it’s a good idea to collect as much evidence as you can and then to look into your own claim. With good documentation and supporting evidence, you could have a good chance of winning your case.

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